Thursday, April 23, 2009

going home

Just some of my friends and family!

I am just writing a note to say I am getting ready to pack my boxes and head to Target one more time because I forgot one more thing! I am putting my game face on and trying to prepare for a long trip! I am at a funny place again, When I left the first time to go to the Philippines I couldn't get there fast enough! But when I left to come here in March I was really excited to come visit my family and friends, I had never felt this way before. I have always been so sad to come to the US not knowing when I would return but not this time. I was thrilled to come visit because I know I have a home and my life is there in Manila. But now I am at a new place going back. I am sad to say good bye, it is going to be 10 more months before I see anyone again. Friends are a little easier but saying good bye to kids is hard because they grow so fast and 10 months is a long time in kid time. I got to stay longer than I had hoped and that has made it good but also harder, we are rebuilding relationships and meeting new people and man it is just hard to leave. Well I know I have a purpose and God has me where he wants me so I will trust he will provide for all my needs, even my emotional ones. He is in control and will get me through!
Thanks every one for your prayers and for making this trip a very fun and memorable one. I know you are praying for me and I hope that those prayers will keep us connected! God Bless